
Showing posts from June, 2020

Increasing Faith Through Testimonies

In many scenarios of the Bible, we learn that the testimony of others who were healed and delivered increased other people's faith and believed that Jesus was the Messiah! The following movies will increase your faith due to what the Lord has done in the characters lives. They are both based on a true story. Movie: Heaven is For Real (The real testimony is added. The movie can be seen on YouTube) Movie: Breakthrough : Boy Who died for 1 hour (I tried looking for the movie but was only able to attach the real testimony) Breakthrough can be seen on HBO I will also add Akiane's testimony , her expertise in painting has been given from the Lord. Her parents were atheist and never spoke to her or her siblings about Jesus. Akiane's parents were able to know the Lord through her revelation of Heaven and Jesus !  May the Lord speak to you as much as He spoke to me :) For More Visit:

In The Lord's Presence There Is Fullness Of Joy!

                                            I love, love, love to listen to worship music that helps me soak into the Lord's    Presence ! I will share some of my favorite worship songs, I hope they are a true blessing to you as much as they have been to me and my family :) For More Visit:

"When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty." (Jeremiah 15:16)

It's important that as parents we pray, fast, and read the word. It can be difficult because we are in the flesh, but we must sacrifice to reap good fruit. " And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."  -Galatians 5:24 (ESV) "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." -Galatians 5:16 (ESV) “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.  The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”  - Matthew 26:41  (NIV) There is a well known fearful and respected teacher. His name is Paul Washer, he is currently explaining Proverbs Chapter 1 verse by verse. It has been a blessing to me and helps me reflect a lot . I hope that this is helpful to you. For More Info: A preacher once said, "When you honor the Lord, You honor your spouse."  It is essential to Glorify the Lord in all that we do.  Let's remember we are not perfect, we wil

DVD Bible & Bible Character Flashcards

I actually found this DVD after praying so much (John 16:13)             I prayed so much, asking the Holy Spirit to help me teach my daughter the Bible.  I prayed for the Lord to help me find a DVD that had all the bible stories for children. I would constantly remind the Lord, " Father you knew what I was going to ask before I asked, please grant me this petition to help my daughter learn your word" ( Matthew 6:8) One day I finally found the DVD and it was this one:   Read and Share DVD Bible Box Set (52 Bible Stories)   I also decided to buy Bible Character Flashcards from the DollarTree. The flashcards are found at Amazon, (Click here ) with additional cards. This is what they look like, if you can create something similar it will be helpful for your child. I laminated the flashcards and asked her simple questions regarding the characters. The questions I asked were mostly from the DVD above.  I asked questions such as, "Who was the man that was swallowed by the big

"Teaching to Read"

I remember when I started to have a passion in teaching. During this journey I was able to find Jady A, she truly has a gift in teaching with such a genuine heart. I learned so much from her. She has amazing videos on YouTube on how to teach children to read, write, and learn math, at an age appropriate level.  She also has a teacherspayteachers .  The video here is the one that helped me teach my daughter to read. Once my child learned letter sounds and blend letter sounds, I used Alpha Phonics to expand her reading skills. Jady A makes teaching fun and simple. That's why I love everything she shares! This was the beginning of my daughters reading journey. After teaching my daughter to read I had her read the bible.  The Bible I bought was: My Father's World Bible Reader, Grade 1 The words that she couldn't read I would help her read and the words that she was able to sound out, I would have her sound out. Her reading and confidence expanded. It's rewarding to reap w

"Why Teach The Fear Of The Lord?"

All children learn  at a different pace. It is essential to help our children gain understanding of the Lord's discipline and instruction especially during these troubled times.  Teaching our children the Lord's way will help them make wise decisions now and in the future. This will help them avoid going to dark and evil ways. I have created this blog to share what I have used and now use to teach children the word of the Lord. I know the feeling of wanting to teach the Lord's  wisdom and not know how to start. I will add everything that has been helpful to me and let's remember during this process  we must  pray asking the Holy Spirit to guide us all and have faith knowing that the Lord will guide us when we take action. I heard of a saying, "You teach the way you were taught." All of us had excellent teachers and also experienced teachers that weren't very helpful during our learning process.   Let's reflect  on what type of teacher do we want to be